Game Info
Three billion miles is a long way from home. But there's no shorter route from outer Neptune to Earth. As if that weren't enough... it's got to be a shoot-out all the way. You alone in your rapid-firing spaceship, swirling in a circular flight pattern... orbiting to the right... arcing to the left... trying to mow down wave after wave of enemy plane formations, rocketing meteors and runaway satellites. Stops at Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars will mark your progression towards Earth. Each one's a short visit, though. Then it's off again to the next planet - and the next wave of enemies. Reach Earth in one piece and maybe you'll think twice about leaving home. Then again... maybe not!
Release title : Gyruss
Release date : 1984-06-01
Rating : E - Everyone
Players : 1
Coop : No
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