Score card

Achieved at : 2022-05-14
Rank : 7
(0.24% worse)
Lups : 554
Approved :
Voting completed : 2022-05-30
General Rules: Left and right difficulty switch settings must remain in the B/Novice position throughout gameplay.
Must be played on a real 2600-compatible console or expansion module. Play with default settings unless otherwise specified. No code modifications that give the player an advantage over other players. No continues. No use of trainers, cheats, auto-fire (when not default present in-game) , game saves, or cheat codes. Can be overruled by the Specific Rules.
It is discouraged and may lead to voters not accepting your score to:
- excessively point farm
- use glitches or other game exploits
Specific Rules: Game 1: Slalom, 20 gates

⚠Evidence must demonstrate that both switches remained in their original positions throughout gameplay.

⚠Evidence must demonstrate the region version of the title used, NTSC or PAL.

Left difficulty switch setting must remain in the position indicated by the leaderboard category:
A/Expert: No effect
B/Novice: No effect

Right difficulty switch setting must remain in the position indicated by the leaderboard category:
A/Expert: Trees can appear in front of gates
B/Novice: Trees do not appear in front of gates

To vote or comment on this score, please login.
2022-05-30 14:47:17
checked original hardware evidence : OK cartridge, console and controller on video
checked settings : B/B / Game 1 : ok
checked final score : OK @ 15:19
Voting yes.

Rickster on Atari 2600 :) that's nice to see... in real i'm thinking of my next project in few years and i'm thinking of Intellivision because you complete the database :p

I also see a new plugin of Twingalaxies video !! better than the crappy old :) :)
@Rickster8 🇺🇸
2022-05-28 20:43:05 (edited 2022-05-28 20:43:50)
TBH is not hard, practice is the key 👍

If you ever need tips let me know
@nads 🇦🇺
2022-05-28 18:18:30
Thx nads. You guys are crazy good at the Atari. 😮
2022-05-28 07:59:29
Pretty Good run Rick!

You are just making a few too many moves, this slows you down.

Checkout all the 32.72 runs to see what I mean

@Player1 🇸🇪
2022-05-26 17:08:21 (edited 2022-05-26 17:09:09)
Lol, I'm finally breaking free a little bit. Expanding my horizons....😜
2022-05-26 13:40:04
Rickster!? What you doin' with an Atari? You're an Intellivision-Guy! Oh well. It's a YES from me.
2022-05-15 01:47:07
This is my submission for Activision Skiing Game 1 Difficulty set to BB on the Atari 2600. My best final time was 32.80 seconds. Game settings shown on screen at the 0:46 mark. There are numerous attempts on this video, but for this submission the game action starts at the 14:44 mark. My best final time of 32.80 seconds is shown on screen at the 15:18 mark. System boot up at the beginning of the video. Atari 2600 console, controller, difficulty levels and Skiing cartridge shown in the beginning of the video and again at the end. System reset and power shut off at the very end of the video. Thanks for watching and voting.