Achieved at : 2021-02-02
Rank : 2
(8% worse)
Lups : 688
Approved :
Voting completed : 2021-02-10
General Rules: |
Game must be played on the actual hardware (C64, C128), PAL or NTSC model allowed except for games having a timing issue. If so, please post in PAL or NTSC category (i.e. Outrun,...) No C64 Mini or The C64. Play with default settings unless otherwise specified. No code modifications that give the player an advantage over other players. 1 credit. No continues. 1 player mode only. No use of trainers, cheats, auto-fire (when not default present in-game) , game saves, or cheat codes. Can be overruled by the Specific Rules. It is discouraged and may lead to voters not accepting your score to: - excessively point farm - use glitches or other game exploits |
Specific Rules: | Play the game in 1 player mode with default settings |
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Same.. I wish I could go back to those times every now and then. Life was more simple and still it was f-ing awesome because of this machine back in the day hehe.
Speed is for big boys! Meaning also, I still have to get more beers in my belly, before can do NTSC GTi madness sooo...
But I should check out that Spectrum version soonish. Think I'll wait till I receive my Spectrum Next before trying it out though.. That will make the experience complete. The Next will be my first Spectrum.. I believe a much better product than this The C64 stuff. At least hope so. Looking forward to collect some new games being made for it too and maybe do some coding on it myself.
But I should check out that Spectrum version soonish. Think I'll wait till I receive my Spectrum Next before trying it out though.. That will make the experience complete. The Next will be my first Spectrum.. I believe a much better product than this The C64 stuff. At least hope so. Looking forward to collect some new games being made for it too and maybe do some coding on it myself.
Look close at 8:55 if you can stand the shaky camera.. I show the second joy there hehe π
Score flipping is sadly not automatic. I use video editing to record voice dubs, do jump cuts outside of the run and get the overlay at the end for tube tube next video and patreon thanking and stuff..
Adding a bit of text to show where I am on the leaderboard / what the next target is, is couple minutes of work. It was a nice after touch I suppose π
Score flipping is sadly not automatic. I use video editing to record voice dubs, do jump cuts outside of the run and get the overlay at the end for tube tube next video and patreon thanking and stuff..
Adding a bit of text to show where I am on the leaderboard / what the next target is, is couple minutes of work. It was a nice after touch I suppose π
I’ve looped it on the Spectrum, and being used to the Spectrum version, I can’t really become friends with the C64 version. Might be because its faster, never noticed π
GTi π±
Well done. Knowing you can do better. I never looped this one. Not even on the slow, but excellent Spectrum version. But it is good to have some C64 competition on real hardware. I believe you can put a 2nd joystick in port 1 (or 2) and then put it on the ground; Smack it with your foot pressing the space bar like this. Maybe I am confusing with another game.
I'll flag this one offline to replay when I re setup my C64. :)
And yes, that t-shirt is a big No No. haha
Okay. How do you manage to have that scoring mechanism flipping automatically? I WANT THAT TOO :)
I'll flag this one offline to replay when I re setup my C64. :)
And yes, that t-shirt is a big No No. haha
Okay. How do you manage to have that scoring mechanism flipping automatically? I WANT THAT TOO :)
Commentary / Practice till 3:38
Best run starts at 3:38
Best score shown at 8:43
Best run starts at 3:38
Best score shown at 8:43