Score card

Achieved at : 2021-01-18
Rank : 4
(69% worse)
Lups : 124
Approved :
Voting completed : 2021-01-27
General Rules: Game must be played on the actual hardware (C64, C128), PAL or NTSC model allowed except for games having a timing issue. If so, please post in PAL or NTSC category (i.e. Outrun,...) No C64 Mini or The C64. Play with default settings unless otherwise specified. No code modifications that give the player an advantage over other players. 1 credit. No continues. 1 player mode only. No use of trainers, cheats, auto-fire (when not default present in-game) , game saves, or cheat codes. Can be overruled by the Specific Rules.

It is discouraged and may lead to voters not accepting your score to:
- excessively point farm
- use glitches or other game exploits
Specific Rules: Play the game in 1 player mode with default settings
To vote or comment on this score, please login.
2021-01-26 07:43:45
checked original hardware evidence : OK
checked settings : nothing to show in this game. (all hack/cheats settings = No : ok @ 3:00:31)
checked final score : OK
Voted yes.
2021-01-18 06:33:21 (edited 2021-01-18 06:35:10)
Game loaded @ 3:00:20
Last Popeye dies around 3:05:35

Not my best Popeye game on display here. I should be able to loop this at least the 1st time easy.
Guess the beer and wine got the better of me 😅🍻

Behind the Patreon stuff afterwards you see me have another go, but that one didn't improve things at all.
And I messed up the Patreon stuff I know. When I found out about the mess up, rendering was already done and upload to youtube had already started. That render and upload took up all Sunday, didn't want to start over half in.

That's what I get for trying to work with 3 hour long material 🍻👌