Score card

Achieved at : 2024-02-23
Rank : 3
(30% worse)
Lups : 302
Approved :
Voting completed : 2024-03-04
General Rules: Left difficulty switch setting must remain in the A/Expert position throughout gameplay.
Right difficulty switch setting may be in any position at any time.
No use of trainers, cheats, saved game files, auto-fire (when not default present in-game), emulator save states, or other emulator advantages. No use of code modifications that give the player an advantage over other players. No continues.
It is discouraged and may lead to voters not accepting your score to:
- excessively point farm
- use glitches or other game exploits
Specific Rules: Only one game variation in this title. Game SELECT switch has no effect.

Left difficulty switch setting must remain in the position indicated by the leaderboard category:
A/Expert: Red balls also appear
B/Novice: Red balls do not appear

Right difficulty switch setting has no effect in this title, and can therefore be in any position at any time.

Rollover: 100,000

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2024-02-23 17:38:32
2024-02-23 17:11:11
Yes on all
2024-02-23 16:14:34 (edited 2024-02-23 16:18:43)
So on the lvlupscore specific rules here it says red balls do not appear on B difficulty and do appear on A difficulty. Well I have multiple red balls, so you can assume A difficulty. But if you've seen the B difficulty run you might wonder, because In both difficulties all I get is red balls.

However you can tell them apart; In B it's just 1 red ball that turns into "The Guy" as I keep calling the chasing snake, while on A difficulty the screen quickly fills up with multiple balls of which one is "The Guy". On my cart you just don't know which red ball the guy is... The other guys here on the board seem to have purple ball for the guy. Maybe a PAL vs NTSC difference thing. And a bit of a disadvantage for myself I would say. But all fine.

I'm just explaining about it, as that is kinda needed to tell the difference between A and B, because I forgot to show the switches again at the end of the video and there are video cuts in the middle.

00:42 showing that I did put it in A
10:02 I died, cried and did a couple of cuts of "little moments" because I was so close to a trophy.
11:43 is a new recording after a 24h break, with the actual run that finishes with the score at the end (that run is uncut in itself!)