Score card

Achieved at : 2024-01-01
Rank : 1
(world record)
Lups : 400
Approved :
Voting completed : 2024-01-22
General Rules: Play with default settings unless otherwise specified. No use of trainers, cheats, saved game files, auto-fire (when not default present in-game), emulator save states, or other emulator advantages. No use of code modifications that give the player an advantage over other players. 1 player only. No continues.
It is discouraged and may lead to voters not accepting your score to
- excessively point farm
- use glitches or other game exploits
Specific Rules: Play the game in 1 player mode with default settings.
There are no game variations other than selecting a one or two player game - the 'Game' setting just determines which sector the black hole appears in.
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thunder force 83
2024-01-19 18:58:55
2024-01-13 07:21:19
Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a space-shooting game for the Vectrex released in 1982. Although set in the Star Trek universe, it does not have any direct connection to the movie other than the name.

The game puts you in charge of the Enterprise doing battle against the Klingons. V'Ger makes no appearance in this game. The aim is to reach and destroy the Klingon Mothership in the last sector. There are nine sectors (levels) to pass through to get to the Mothership, although a black hole can appear in a sector which you can use as a shortcut to reach it. You select which sector the black hole is in at the start of the game (if you don't choose one it will be in Sector 1 by default).

Each sector will contain Klingon or Romulan warbirds which will attack you. You have to destroy all the warbirds in a sector before moving on to the next. You have lasers and shields at your disposal. The shields can be activated to deflect any incoming missiles. Be aware that both lasers and shields are limited, so use them wisely or else they will run out and you will be defenceless. There is a space station where you can dock to replenish your munitions when required. You can also destroy the space station with your lasers so be careful!

Despite not being anything to do with the film it is titled after, this is an enjoyable 3D cockpit space-shooter. Good comparisons are to Star Wars (arcade), at least the initial TIE fighter battle stage and games like Cylon attack on the BBC Microcomputer. If you like that sort of game, this is worth checking out. The graphics do give a good impression of Klingon and Romulan warbirds and are very smooth, though the space station looks a little odd to me. Sound is suitable. Gameplay is very good and the need to use your lasers and shields together - and wisely - adds a tactical element to the arcade action.

This run was made using Retroarch 1.9.9 with the VecX core on PC running at 50 fps. The date of play was the 1st January 2024. There are no game variations other than selecting a one or two player game - the 'Game' setting just determines which sector the black hole appears in. The score reached was 35,000 points.

Time stamps:
00:30 Game loaded and selecting default options of Single Player with the black hole in Sector 1.
00:48 Game start.
00:57 The doughnut like spacecraft is your space station where you can refuel if required.
01:31 First life lost.
01:40 The square object is the black hole, but I decide not to use it. Using a black hole is the same method as docking with a space ship.
02:04 Refuelling at the space station. You have to press the docking button while the entrance is facing towards you in order to dock.
03:22 Refuelling.
05:03 Sector 3 next - what happened to Sector 2? Sector 1 was very long, so it looks like I went to it without the message and jingle playing onscreen.
05:49 Refuelling.
06:56 Sector 4.
07:08 I destroy my own Space Station. Whoops!
07:30 Second life lost.
08:54 Sector 5.
09:03 Third life lost. Game Over! Final score 35,000 points.
2024-01-13 07:21:18
VOTING : Y E S ✅☑️✅☑️✳️✳️