Score card

Achieved at : 2023-03-07
Rank : 4
(52% worse)
Lups : 386
Approved :
Voting completed : 2023-04-01
General Rules: Game must be played on the actual hardware. Play with default settings unless otherwise specified. No code modifications that give the player an advantage over other players. 1 credit. No continues. 1 player mode only. No use of trainers, cheats, auto-fire (when not default present in-game) , game saves, or cheat codes. Can be overruled by the Specific Rules (see above).
It is discouraged and may lead to voters not accepting your score to
- excessively point farm
- use glitches or other game exploits
Specific Rules: Play the game in 1 player mode with default settings
To vote or comment on this score, please login.
2023-04-04 20:52:54
Tell me about it !! :D
2023-04-04 13:54:49
Imagine the fool who decided, "Nah, I just don't think that one can fetch quarters. Qix? Sure, ship it in!"
2023-04-01 23:46:35
Yeah we had all those, and almost everything. No Kong, Frogger, Pac-MAN, and I only saw 1 Galaga.
@Kernzy 🇮🇪
2023-04-01 21:49:20
Wow, surprising. What about Defender, Galaxian, Pole Position, Centipede?
2023-04-01 21:36:03
No, never. Nor Donkey Kong. We had Crazy Kong and some pAC HACKS.
@Kernzy 🇮🇪
2023-04-01 21:14:50
First go really? Did you all not have Frogger back in the day?
2023-03-11 16:43:57
2023-03-07 20:33:58
My first go on a real Frogger machine.
Second picture is my first attempt, and to show it's a Frogger machine.
A poor show! :D