Score card

Achieved at : 2023-01-29
Rank : 1
(world record)
Lups : 800
Approved :
Voting completed : 2023-02-21
General Rules: Play on any emulator or FPGA. Includes 'The C64' Mini and Maxi. PAL or NTSC model allowed except for games having a timing issue. If so, please post in PAL or NTSC category (i.e. Outrun,...). Play with default settings unless otherwise specified. No use of trainers, cheats, saved game files, auto-fire (when not default present in-game), emulator save states, or other emulator advantages. No use of code modifications that give the player an advantage over other players. 1 player only. No continues.

It is discouraged and may lead to voters not accepting your score to:
- excessively point farm
- use glitches or other game exploits
Specific Rules: Play the game in 1 player mode with default settings
To vote or comment on this score, please login.
2023-02-22 04:34:37
Yeah, I was wondering that. I tried and tried for it but I always got 1:30 at best.
2023-02-21 09:37:49
checked settings : Single / St. Jovite | 3 Laps Rookie : ok
checked final score : OK @ 2:38
Voting yes.
@Rickster8 🇺🇸
2023-02-01 04:16:41
Thanks Rickster!
@Kernzy 🇮🇪
2023-02-01 04:16:32
Thanks for all.
@aca0808 🇷🇸
2023-02-01 04:16:26
2023-02-01 03:58:54
Hey! Where's my one of these, goddammit ! ?? :)
2023-01-31 10:16:46
2023-01-31 04:19:25
2023-01-31 03:43:19 (edited 2023-01-31 03:52:12)
Pitstop is a 1983 racing game from Epyx. It was written by Jamie Faye Fenton (Beamrider)There are six tracks and 3 skill levels to play at. Races can be 3, 6 or 9 laps and there is a pitsop option to repair tyres and refuel. You'll need that for the longer races and you actually control the members of the pit crew. There are 3 types of race to enter - Single (choose one track), Mini-circuit (three tracks) and Grand-Circuit (all six tracks).

The race itself is similar to Pole Position, though it looks more basic. The track twists left and right according to the track map at bottom left. Other drivers are present which should be avoided, as should the edge of the track. Your fuel ticks down and the tyres wear out, as indicated by their colour.

Racing is not particularly exciting, at least on the Rookie setting - it just does not grab you like Pole Position does. The pitstops though are a little more interesting as you need to control all the characters yourself and juggling this in the fastest time to get back in the race is quite a challenge. Higher skill levels are better to play gameplay-wise with more cars on screen at once.

This recording was made on the 29th January 2023, using the Antstream streaming service. The track is St. Jovite, with 3 laps and Rookie skill level was selected. The race time was 1 minute 30 seconds.

Time stamps:
00:30 Main screen. Options selected are 1 driver, 3 laps, Rookie difficulty, Single Race, St. Jovite. My Antstream Avatar is at top right.
00:42 Game start.
01:22 First lap complete.
01:57 Second lap complete.
02:34 Third lap complete.
02:38 Race summary. Time taken, 1 minute 30 seconds.